Information in accordance with § 5 TMG:

Manitz Finsterwald Patent- und Rechtsanwaltspartnerschaft mbB

Martin-Greif-Str. 1
80336 Munich

Phone: +49-89-21 99 430
Fax: +49-89-29 75 75


Partnership Register: Amtsgericht München PR 1690

VAT-ID number in accordance with §27 of the Value Added Tax act: DE 130 001 124

Website Design and Programming:


Manitz Finsterwald Patent- und Rechtsanwaltspartnerschaft mbB is a partnership with limited professional liability (PartmbB) and is represented by the partners listed here .

The European Patent Attor­neys of Manitz Finsterwald are registered at the European Patent Office and are members of the European Patent Insti­tute (epi) (

The European Trade­mark Attor­neys and European Design Attor­neys are regis­tered at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). The European Trade­mark Attor­neys are subject to the rules of the Council Regula­tion on the European Union Trade Mark (Regula­tion EC/​207/2009) and on the Commu­nity Design (Regula­tion EC/​6/​2002).

The German patent attor­neys (Patentanwälte) are admitted under German law and are regis­tered at the German Patent and Trade­mark Office and are members of the German Patent Attor­neys Associ­a­tion (

The patent attor­neys admitted under UK law are regis­tered in the patent attorney register kept under Section 275 Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 and at the Intel­lec­tual Property Regula­tion Board (IPReg) (

The German attor­neys at law (Rechtsanwälte) are all admitted as attor­neys at law under German law and are members of the Bar Associ­a­tion in the district of the Higher Regional Court Munich ( The German attor­neys at law are also admitted repre­sen­ta­tives at the OHIM in Alicante, Spain. They are subject insofar to the rules of the Council Regula­tion on the Commu­nity Trade Mark (Regula­tion EC/​40/​94) and Council Regula­tion on the Commu­nity Design (Regula­tion EC/​6/​2002).

The following codes of profes­sional conduct apply:

For the European Patent Attorneys

  • Code of Conduct of the Institute of Professional Representatives before the EPO (
  • The Regulation on Discipline for Professional Representatives issued by the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation (
  • The FICPI statutes (

For the German Patent Attorneys

For the UK Patent Attorneys

  • Code of Conduct of 28 September 2009 of the Intellectual Property Regulation Board (

For the German Attorneys at Law

  • Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO) [German Attorney at Law Code]
  • Berufsordnung der Rechtsanwälte (BORA) [Code of Conduct for German attorneys at Law]
  • Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz (RVG) [German Attorneys Remuneration Act]
  • Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO) [Act Governing Specialized Attorneys]
  • Code of Conduct for Lawyers in the European Union issued by the CCBE (Council of the Bars and Law Societies of the European Community)(

The codes pertaining to German attor­neys at law can be found in both English and German on the website of the Federal Bar Associ­a­tion English, click on "Infor­ma­tion­spflichten gemäß § 5 TMG" and click there on "The Federal Lawyers Act", etc.

Our attor­neys, including our UK attor­neys, have a world­wide profes­sional indem­nity insur­ance at the Allianz Versicherungs-AG, Diesel­strasse 8, 85774 Unter­föhring, Germany.

The rules governing conduct do not allow the attor­neys at law and the patent attor­neys of our firm to repre­sent conflicting inter­ests. For this reason, it is always ascer­tained before repre­sen­ta­tion is assumed whether there is a conflict of interest.

Information in accordance with § 36 VSBG:

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